Make This Holiday Season Your Healthiest Yet!

What Can You Do This Year To Make The Holiday Season Stress-Free and Healthy?

Did you know that the average person in America gained 28 pounds over the last 18 months and that number will go up over the next 60 days according to statistics.

Did you know that being overweight or obese not only increases your risks of covid but also for avoidable diet and stress-related chronic diseases, like diabetes, heart disease, cancer and more?

No one actually thinks eating fast food and sugar, smoking cigarettes, consuming a lot of alcohol, sleeping for less than five hours each night, and drinking soda is healthy.

Unfortunately, these poor habits are the norm in our society resulting in sickness and disease increasing each year. People are aware of the facts around health but struggle with effective and consistent implementation. (We can agree that we are not the fattest country in the world, because we ate too much broccoli, right?)

This challenge is then magnified during the holidays when stress levels reach an all-time high due to visits with family, increased expenses, changing of seasons AND the quantity of high-caloric and sugary foods that is seemingly everywhere.

This is why I’m hosting a webinar that will benefit you and your family, and I truly hope you can join!

Make This Holiday Season Your Healthiest Yet! on Saturday, November 20th at 10:00 am EST

You only get one body, and despite society’s love of unhealthy habits, proper nutrition and healthy habits are foundational to your quality of life.

You can enjoy your pumpkin pie and Christmas cookies too!

Society is a big fan of the "all or nothing" mindset.

You are either on the proverbial wagon or off of it. Living on sugar or completely abstaining from it. The list of phrases to explain this mindset is LONG! And I see it in clients almost every time I work with someone that has been struggling for a long time.

What if I told you there was a way you can enjoy all of your favorite holiday treats AND still LOSE WEIGHT?

You can and I am going to share it with you, so you can do it too!

During this workshop, you will discover:

-How to manage your stress and emotions so you can stop the stuffing!
-New recipes for a delicious and healthier holiday season
-How to take in and savor all the goodness that this season has to offer
-What it takes to shrink your waistline instead of unbuttoning your pants

Hosted by:

Jen Beck

Why Am I Sharing This Information With You?

Because far too many people are suffering from problems that are preventable with the implementation of healthy habits!

-People are becoming more and more stressed during the holidays.
-People are suffering from low self-esteem, anxiety, and depression more now than ever before.-People are living as lesser versions of themselves.
-People are losing loved ones to the consequences of poor health habits.
-People are suffering from obesity, diabetes, cancer, auto-immune disorders, and even premature death.
-People are simply not thriving.

My mom move into a nursing home at the age of 49 due to her MS and I have been on a mission since to help people reclaim their health and their lives. People should not settle for poor health when the ability to look and feel 10 years younger is not only possible but probable when consistent and positive baby steps, turned into habits are implemented.

Make this holiday season the beginning of your journey instead of taking more steps away from optimal health and vitality!

I Can’t Wait to See You on Saturday, November 20th at 10:00 am EST!